What is overstay fine in Dubai?

What is overstay fine in Dubai?

Before finding a job, many people came to the UAE on a visit/tourist visa. However, if they continue to stay in the country after the visa expires, they are considered as overstaying with fines and consequences.

Generally, tourist visas allow people to stay in the UAE for three days to 3 months. If you happen to find a job, you will need to change your visa status and obtain a residence or work visa. If you are unable to find a job during this period, you will be fined for overstaying. This is equal to AED 200 for the first day and AED 100 for each day afterward.

The grace period for tourists and visitor visa holders is ten days. If the visitor exceeds the period of stay within the grace period, a fine will be imposed AED 200 for visits beyond the first day Continuous AED100 per day, and the service fee is 100 dirhams.  

UAE residents have a 30-day grace period after their visa expires, and they can change their status and get another residence visa or leave the country. There are no fines during the grace period. If the time exceeds the grace period, a fine of AED 125 will be charged on the first day and on each subsequent day a fine of AED 25 will be imposed. After the limit is overdue for six months, a fine of AED 50 will be imposed per day and a fine of AED 100 will be imposed per day after one year late.

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