Almaarefa Colleges for Science & Technology (MCST)

Founded: 2009
Address: Dariyah - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966 14903555

Here you find out Almaarefa Colleges for Science & Technology (MCST) complete information about fees, location, degree Almaarefa Colleges for Science & Technology (MCST) offers, number, website, and much more. Almaarefa Colleges for Science & Technology (MCST) is a leading university in Riyadh - Saudi Arabia.
You can also find out jobs at Almaarefa Colleges for Science & Technology (MCST) for students, teachers, and professors. We also update the database for an internship at Almaarefa Colleges for Science & Technology (MCST) for students.
The multi-sided dilemma higher education faces today in Saudi Arabia is how to plan for and implement new technologies how to absorb ever increasing number of high school graduates, and how to train, upgrade personnel, and maintain old systems without spending exorbitant amounts of money. At the same time, institutions are challenged with factors that include shifting demographics, rising stud...ent expectations, overburdened traditional government educational institutions, government mandates, and increased competition. Due to such factors; universities in Saudi Arabia are required to adapt their traditional roles, without abandoning them, to the demands of the information society of the future or to adopt a mix of traditional/non-traditional approaches to higher education.
Although the government has invested heavily in higher education, which has grown impressively over the last three decades, the human resources potential of the country is not fully utilized. Higher education needs to be expanded, both horizontally by establishing institutions in regions which lack facilities at this level, and vertically by diversifying the types of institutions and their programs in keeping with recognized priorities of the country and with recent advances in health sciences and technology.
While the government will continue to be the main provider of higher education, the urgent need for Saudi Arabia to meet pressing demands calls as well for an important contribution from the private sector. There is a favorable climate for private initiatives in developing higher education in Saudi Arabia, with due consideration to quality assurance regulations and mechanisms set by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the National Commission for Accreditation and Academic Assessment (NCAAA).
Almaarefa Colleges for Science & Technology (MCST) is a private establishment of higher education, designed to fulfill a recognized public function, by meeting clearly identified needs in important domains for national development. By adopting an innovative approach to teaching and learning, by making intensive use of cutting-edge educational technologies, MCST attracts students from a broadly targeted clientele, namely high school graduates (both male and female) from the Riyadh region, from other regions of Saudi Arabia, and from the GCC states. It is also envisioned to attract expatriates’ sons and daughters who wish to pursue college studies. Also, MCST attracts Diploma graduates from various health specialties through a bridging program.
To prepare students to meet the modern professional requirements in the medical and computer fields in a technologically advanced setting that encourages initiative and leadership, provide a professional academic environment for its faculty, and excel in community services.
To qualify and develop professionals in the field of medicine, pharmacy, nursing, allied health, computer science and information system for both private and government sectors so they can make an effective contribution to the development of the economic and social sectors in the Saudi Arabia by achieving excellence in education through high quality teaching and using the most modern pedagogy.
MCST is licensed by The Saudi Ministry of Education and its degrees are fully accredited. The academic majors and curriculum have been designed and approved by King Abdullah Institute for Research and Consulting Studies (KAI-RCS) at King Saud University. The scientific references for these programs are international accreditation bodies, scientific associations, and top universities. More than forty experts with doctorate degrees, and medical boards and fellowship have participated in the design of College curriculum.
MCST recognizes that a competent and dedicated faculty is the core of a high quality educational program. To this end, MCST facilitates the development of its faculty by providing an environment that nurtures individual efforts and professional growth. MCST encourage all its faculty members to provide high-quality instruction, intellectual contributions, and service activities. In pursuit of its mission, MCST continuously assesses its programs and improve services to all of its constituents.
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Phone Number: +966 14903555
City: Riyadh
Country: Saudi Arabia


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