Harrington College of Design

Founded: 1961
Address: 600 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL - Illinois, United States
Phone: +1 866 5904423

Here you find out Harrington College of Design complete information about fees, location, degree Harrington College of Design offers, number, website, and much more. Harrington College of Design is a leading university in Illinois - United States.
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Harrington College is committed to providing information that can help prospective students make an informed decision about their educational options.Not every campus offers every program of study that appears on this site. Please refer to the school specific catalog for the location you would like to attend to find out which programs of study are available. Not all programs of study are availa...ble to residents of all states.
Harrington College of Design’s Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs can turn you into a complete professional.Through our holistic approach and collaboration with faculty and peers, you can reach your next level of achievement as a creative in the field of Communication/Graphic Design, Interior Design, or Photography.
In addition to covering traditional components such as lighting, equipment and composition, Harrington College of Design’s Associate of Applied Science in Digital Photography program challenges students to become fluent in the language of new media, including image manipulation, color management, output technologies and more.
In Harrington"s associate-level Digital Photography degree program, the curriculum focuses on the digital imaging technology used for photographic production of images in the field of commercial photography. With access to industry-current equipment, studio facilities and computer labs throughout their studies, students can assemble a professional-style portfolio of representative work that can prepare them for entry-level employment in the commercial photography industry.
Courses in Harrington"s AAS in Digital Photography program focus on providing a unique and innovative technical education in the field of commercial photography. Classes are led by experienced professionals with the knowledge and experience to deliver thorough instruction in techniques, practical business principles and creative exploration.
Harrington College of Design’s Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design program challenges students to combine strong ideas and smart strategy to solve a multitude of design problems. The focus of the curriculum is to prepare students with the knowledge, skills and vision to create design solutions that can change lives and transform business.We also offer a Saturday option to earn your Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design. If you have an Associate degree in Graphic Design, our Saturday BFA offering covers the same content as our weekday option to help you take your creative vision, technical skills, and business knowledge to the next level.
Harrington"s bachelor-level Graphic Design program focuses on imparting the knowledge, skills and expertise necessary in this highly competitive field. At its most basic level, the program encourages students to think, speak, draw and design, but ultimately, it strives to create a socially and globally aware individual who can approach and solve a design problem from many angles.
The curriculum of Harrington"s bachelor-level Interior Design degree offers students the opportunity to explore creative design, business skills and computer-aided design technology. Students may also choose a specialized course of study to concentrate their focus on a specific area of interior design, with choices including Sustainable Design, Branded Environments, Digital Technology and Historic Preservation.
In Harrington College of Design’s Bachelor of Science in Web Design and Development program, students can develop the critical-thinking and problem-solving abilities needed to design beautiful and useful technologies for an ever-changing a digital society.
Harrington’s holistic “Doing to Learn” approach can help students acquire a complete perspective. Topics in our web design courses move from color theory, graphic design, typography, audio, video, and advanced interactivity to advanced programming, electronics, database management, project administration, and user experience design.
Harrington"s BS in Web Design and Development cultivates curious minds to imagine and implement creative solutions to improve the human experience of using the internet. It combines liberal arts and computer science to provide a lasting foundation for learning and synthesizing emerging technology.
Courses in Harrington"s BS in Web Design and Development provide a unique and innovative education in the tools and principles of design for interactive communication. Students move from the fundamentals to gaining practical experience with the life cycle of typical web design and development projects to creating complex, dynamic websites.
This immersive graduate-level program emphasizes building a strong foundation in the marketing and conceptual skills needed to excel in the field of communication design. (Students with a bachelor’s degree in graphic design, communication design or a related field may consider Harrington’s Master of Fine Arts in Communication Design program.)
Design is more than creating a brochure, an ad, a logo, or a web banner – it’s the strategic thinking that guides the creative work. Harrington’s programs will involve you in the complete professional process, so you can learn to not only execute innovative design – but to create powerful design solutions that support business goals.
Harrington College of Design’s Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design program challenges students to combine strong ideas and smart strategy to solve a multitude of design problems. The focus of the curriculum is to prepare students with the knowledge, skills and vision to create design solutions that can change lives and transform business.
Harrington"s MFA in Communication Design offers a flexible schedule so professionals can attend classes while still working full-time. The curriculum includes required core classes in communication design theory, research methods and business practices as well as studio-based courses in which theory, research and method are integrated through application in project-based work.
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LeaderShip: President: Gretchen Frickx
Fees: USD 18,357 - 18,357
Phone Number: +1 866 5904423
City: Illinois
Country: United States
Website: http://www.harrington.edu


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