Hamburg School of Business Administration

Address: Alter Wall 38 - Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 40 36138700

Here you find out Hamburg School of Business Administration complete information about fees, location, degree Hamburg School of Business Administration offers, number, website, and much more. Hamburg School of Business Administration is a leading university in Hamburg - Germany.
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HSBA is the Business School in Hamburg. It is our mission to support companies in qualifying their employees and recruiting promising talents who are willing to study our internationally-oriented dual Bachelor"s and part-time Master"s degree programmes. It is our aim to deliver excellent education programmes to students of all career levels regardless of their financial background. We are convi...nced that commitment, respectability and innovative thinking are the basis for success in business. For this, we provide the necessary competencies.
Currently, HSBA is the academic partner for 950 students and 250 cooperating companies. Next to the ambitious study programmes, we also offer demanding executive education, a doctoral programme and application-oriented research. With events and conferences for the business community as well as the activities of our Digital Innovation Lab, we have created a platform for fruitful exchanges between students, science and business. With this approach, we want to strengthen the competitiveness of Hamburg based companies in the age of digital transformation.
The HSBA is the business school of the Hamburg economy. We make a decisive contribution to strengthening the future viability of our cooperation companies and the Hamburg location in the age of digital transformation. Development, transfer and communication of knowledge in dialogue with students, science and industry is our core competence - in teaching, research and further education. Our graduates, thought leaders and decision makers with the values of the honorable businessman as a moral compass, are well prepared for the challenges of tomorrow. We accompany "curious people" on their entire career path: from dual bachelor programs to extra-occupational masters and cooperative doctorates to continuing education courses, we stand for modern teaching methods and interactive learning in small groups. Irrespective of their financial background, we offer our students excellent educational opportunities. For our cooperation companies, we are a competent partner in the acquisition and qualification of motivated, efficient and responsible employees from all over the world. We do this by optimally preparing future high performers for the next step in their careers in accordance with the requirements of the time with innovative and practice-oriented study programs.
We use our HSBA as an attractive platform for the mutual transfer between science and industry. We conduct research in a variety of areas of business administration as well as related disciplines and develop application-oriented solutions, which become drivers for the development of future-oriented corporate strategies. The knowledge gained in this way flows into the teaching and generates resonance in the academic world. Our HSBA community lives from the commitment of all, the mutual respect, team spirit and the appreciation for the university and each individual. The HSBA is both an organization of learning and a learning organization itself. Our openness to feedback, regular evaluations and further education of all members of faculty and administration mean that we are constantly developing. We create a vital university climate in which new things can be tried out and progress is made. As a university of Hamburg"s economy, we are regionally anchored and at the same time internationally oriented. Based on our Hanseatic roots, we open the door to the world for ourselves and the international economy and science through exchanges and excursions. Our active student community and our alumni form the basis for a valuable personal and professional network.
The CHE University Ranking is the most comprehensive and detailed ranking system for German-speaking higher education institutions. It is geared primarily to new and existing students, but has also become established at universities as a fair, informative and qualified source of information. In addition to facts on the course of studies, teaching, facilities and research, the ranking includes ratings by more than 250,000 students regarding the study conditions at their university as well as the reputation of the faculties under the professors for the individual subjects. All of the results are available free of charge on the internet. In the last CHE ranking for business and economics in 2014, HSBA ranked among the top 10 German "dual-system universities" and received particularly good evaluations in the categories "focus on practice" and "focus on internationality".
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LeaderShip: President: Hans Jorg Schmidt
Phone Number: +49 40 36138700
City: Hamburg
Country: Germany


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