University of Naples L"Orientale

Founded: 1732
Address: Via Chiatamone 61/62 - Naples, Italy
Phone: +39 81 97640633

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The “Orientale” University of Naples is the oldest school of Sinology and Oriental Studies in Europe and has a strong tradition of language, cultural and social studies, both ancient and modern, relating to Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. Since its very beginning, (in 1732) the “Orientale” has set itself up as a centre for learning and research which aims to focus on similarities... and differences between various cultures. But once we start looking at differences, we also take a close look inside ourselves. It is an intellectual exercise which becomes a spiritual one at the same time. Studying people and cultures, their relationships and their differences, is, more than anything else, a way of questioning who or what we are.
We should allow ourselves to be assailed by doubt, accept challenges, expand our closely-knit circles to let others in. We should be open to otherness and diversity because we become richer as a result. This is something the “Orientale” does on a daily basis, and always has done. And it is one of the reasons why our University has such lasting appeal.
Today, in a world where people of different languages, cultures, religions and myriad schools of thought, art forms, moral attitudes and customs are coming into closer contact, our University will not be caught wanting because it has always been involved in intense International cultural relations and has always collaborated with universities in many different countries. The “Orientale”, therefore, is able to guarantee its students an education in line with the demands of today’s world.
The University today has a very original outlook, offering students intellectual experiences and academic input which fundamentally enable them to get to know people and cultures which are different from their own, and to interact and communicate with them. The education provided also translates into effective entry into a rapidly-evolving job market: a window on the world, therefore, where language and culture and knowledge overlap and interweave, and eventually blend in the dual disciplines of teaching and research.
We extend a warm welcome to all those students who decide to enrol at the “Orientale” and reassure them that there is maximum commitment on our part to help them through their years of study.
The “Orientale” has its beginnings in the Chinese College founded by Matteo Ripa. He was a lay priest and missionary who worked as a painter and engraver at the court of the Manchu Qing Emperor Kanxi. When he came back to Naples, he brought with him four young Chinese people along with one of their compatriots who was an expert in spoken and written Mandarin. They formed the original nucleus of the College.
This reform led to the closure of the missionary section and the Institute was awarded University status whereas the Royal Asiatic College had been an Upper Secondary School. The “Orientale” today is the oldest school of Sinology and Oriental studies in the whole of Europe. Spoken and written Mandarin Chinese have been taught there since 1724, and Hindi and Urdu since 1878.
The “Orientale” currently specialises in Oriental and African languages and literature, history and art-history, but also offers courses in cultural studies relating to Mediterranean countries, Europe and the Americas.
Studying at the “Orientale” University means opening out to the knowledge of people from different linguistic, cultural, religious and social backgrounds and learn to live together. In order to do this, we need to get to know each other, and to go beyond traditional stereotypes which often create misunderstanding, if not hostility. Simple information is not enough. If we are to achieve the kind of integration necessary in today’s world, in-depth, comparative knowledge as well as open dialogue are required.
More importantly, Universities need to be open to the rapid changes in contemporary society, and show that they are sensitive to multicultural issues, aware of past traditions and experiences and concerned about the pressures of the present.
The “Orientale” University of Naples has groups of researchers in the following fields: sciences of the Ancient world, philology and literature, pedagogy and psychology, legal sciences, economics and statistics and social and political sciences. Its staff participate in various national and international research programmes and the University also works to promote technological transfer and the applicational development of research results.
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LeaderShip: Rector: Prof. ssa Elda Morlicchio
Phone Number: +39 81 97640633
City: Naples
Country: Italy


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