Miyagi University of Education

Founded: 1965
Address: 149,Aramaki-aza-Aoba, Aobaku - Miyagi, Japan
Phone: +81 22 2143334

Here you find out Miyagi University of Education complete information about fees, location, degree Miyagi University of Education offers, number, website, and much more. Miyagi University of Education is a leading university in Miyagi - Japan.
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Miyagi University of Education is a teachers’ college that has been educating teachers for more than 50 years. In addition to having excellent pedagogical skills in their chosen fields, it is essential for teachers to possess the qualities required to appropriately take into consideration the wide variety seen in students’ academic abilities, behavioral management, stances on various issues..., and learning difficulties that appear in the classroom. For one to attain such traits, it is imperative to receive an education that develops one’s qualities as a human: an education our university has been providing for more than half a century. Professors at our university offer a warm, friendly atmosphere in their classes in which students feel comfortable to participate actively in discussions about topics in which they are interested. It is through the discussions held between teacher and student that real learning can occur?real learning that stays with students well after graduation. A large number of graduates mention these discussions as one of the primary reasons for their high-level skills when they are teachers in the classroom. Furthermore, many students are inspired in their studies through interactions among different majors and participating in overseas exchange programs and volunteer teaching experience abroad programs.
At Miyagi University of Education, we have three departments in the undergraduate school (elementary school education, secondary school education, and special needs education) in addition to a graduate school and in-service graduate school. The challenge to obtain teaching licenses in different departments is not overly burdensome, and many students do indeed graduate with multiple qualifications.
The field of education is constantly facing changes, with the area of special needs education, in particular, receiving increased attention in recent years. At our university, we have experts in all fields of special needs education, and we have earned a great reputation nationally for providing a complete education of the reciprocal relationships among the various special needs cases. In this age, when all teachers are required to have a solid understanding of the basics of special needs education, our university is proud and confident of the high level of education we have provided in the past and will continue to provide in the future. In addition to our work in special needs education, the Center for Teacher Career Research was established in 2017 in an attempt to continue providing the most up-to-date training in a variety of modern issues, such as elementary school English education, countermeasures for bullying, international understanding education, and environmental education.
March 11, 2011, was a day that changed the lives of many of us. On that day, too many children lost their lives while still at school. We cannot even begin to imagine the fear and feelings of the children that day, nor the living nightmare that their parents are faced with now as a consequence of the tragedy that, in an instant, tore away the futures of so many innocent lives.
A teacher’s most important duty is to protect the lives of his or her students. While in the classroom, teachers have the responsibility to look after the lives of many children, and so regardless of what may happen, they must do whatever they can to guarantee the safety of those children. At our university, a large number of students have a keen awareness of the importance of protecting children in cases of natural disasters. In an endeavor to develop and strengthen education regarding safety and protection at times of disaster, the Center for Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Education was established in 2016, answering the call from teachers and students who want to make the protection of students’ lives their top priority and to pass on the self-protection skills in the event of disasters to their students. The Center now has its roots firmly settled in the community as a place to learn about disaster education.
Miyagi University of Education is a university where teachers and students can think together, learn together, contemplate various issues together, make educational advancements together, and be creative together. We hope you will come and experience the charm Miyagi University of Education has to offer for yourself.
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LeaderShip: President: Muramatsu Takashi
Phone Number: +81 22 2143334
City: Miyagi
Country: Japan
Staff: 282
Website: http://www.miyakyo-u.ac.jp



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