Harper Adams University College

Founded: 1901
Address: Newport - Shropshire, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 1952 820280

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Since it was founded in 1901, Harper has been designed to meet this challenge. Set on a 635 hectare farm, we are the leading specialist university tackling the future development of our planet"s food production, processing, animal sciences, engineering, land management and sustainable business.
We"ve created an environment where students, staff and industry work together on research with ...real-world impact. We"re improving animal welfare, tackling food scarcity, and developing new farming technologies.
In 2014, the Research Excellence Framework results saw all of our work considered of international quality, and more than half world leading or internationally excellent. Before that, in 2006, we became the only specialist institution in the sector able to award our own degrees by research.
Our research centres and academic networks bring together dedicated staff and facilities, academics from across disciplines, students, and the industry. Based around some of the biggest challenges that face agriculture today, the work they produce is shaping professional practice, government policy and the application of new technologies.
Harper Adams University is internationally recognised for the quality of its research, as evidenced by the Research Excellence Framework 2014. In order to maintain and uphold the high standards of our research, we continue to undertake initiatives to ensure that integrity, ethics and excellence are at the core of our research activities and fully embedded in our research culture.
In the event of concern around any of the research taking place at Harper Adams please contact Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Peter Mills, and refer to our whistleblowing procedure.
Although the work we do spans many different areas, all of it comes back to a challenge that we all face - how can we manage the world"s natural resources as our population, and our demands on our planet, grow?
Water is one of our most precious resources, and soil is essential for farming. Unfortunately, the knowledge around best practice for managing soil and water is limited. From finding the right amount of water to irrigate crops, to suggesting crops that can stabilise soil, we"re helping farmers to continue growing food that feeds us and sustains them.
Pests and disease cost farmers crops, income and even their livelihoods. Our research is finding new ways to fight these threats without impacting on the environment. From assessing the mustard plant"s ability to ward off insects, to helping African smallholders by breeding disease-resistant plants, we"re paving the way towards better plant health.
With the pressures on farmers increasing, employing technology to help them farm more precisely is the way forward. Our research is discovering and developing new ways to do just that. We"re programming autonomous robots that can monitor crop health and developing drones that can locate straying sheep. And that"s just the start.
Learning how we can better manage livestock not only improves the welfare of our animals, it impacts the environment, too. Cows produce methane which contributes to our greenhouse gas emissions, so we"ve found ways to reduce this through diet changes. Importing soya-bean based feeds for chickens also adds to our carbon footprint, so we"ve developed new diets to avoid this.
The UK"s standards for food safety are excellent, but as regulations tighten, we"re working hard to find innovative ways to improve them. Our research has looked at everything from developing rapid tests to identify the UK"s biggest cause of food poisoning, to reducing bacterial contamination in ready-to-eat salads.
Bioenergy has the potential to reduce costs, carbon emissions and the strain on our non-renewable energy sources. Our work has already seen an uptake of bioenergy in the West Midlands and our long-term research projects are discovering even more innovative sources of biofuels.
Innovation in engineering can have huge impacts on everything from farming to motorsports. Our research in this area covers a whole range of applications, from the improving the performance of motors to using lasers for weed management.
From understanding the impacts that different farm management techniques have on biodiversity, to understanding the roots of rural crime, our work is shaping both policy and practice when it comes to rural affairs and management.
We"re leading the way when it comes to teaching excellence. By adopting new technologies and pioneering teaching methods our research has improved the education of students on our own campus and in other institutions across the world.
Covering everything from veterinary practice, livestock farming and zoology, to entomology and animal welfare, our animal sciences research is vast. We"re shaping the future care of all creatures.
Our agri-environment research covers a lot of ground - literally. From pesticides to post-harvest technologies, we"re developing new ideas and techniques that help farmers, crops and the wider environment to thrive.
In the foundation year (Year 0) you choose one of four entry routes, before progressing onto a full foundation or bachelor"s degree, with a placement year working in industry included. It"s a great option for students without traditional qualifications.
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LeaderShip: Vice-Chancellor: David Llewellyn
Phone Number: +44 1952 820280
City: Shropshire
Country: United Kingdom
Website: http://www.harper-adams.ac.uk


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