Marietta College

Founded: 1835
Address: 215 Fifth Street, Marietta - Ohio, United States
Phone: 1 800 3317896

Here you find out Marietta College complete information about fees, location, degree Marietta College offers, number, website, and much more. Marietta College is a leading university in Ohio - United States.
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Marietta College celebrates its birthday, which was February 14, 1835, in February every year with a tribute called Founders Day. In 2018, the College changed up the format to include a campus celebration that includes a birthday cake. It"s also a time to present faculty awards and cherish in what it means to be a Marietta Pioneer. The 2020 Founders Day — the College"s 185th birthday — is s...cheduled to start at 4:30 p.m., Thursday, February 13th.​ The dinner begins at 5:15 p.m. The College has been celebrating Founders Day on a consistent basis since 1921.
Marietta College provides a strong foundation for a lifetime of leadership, critical thinking, and problem-solving. We achieve this mission by offering undergraduates a contemporary liberal arts education and graduate students an education grounded in advanced knowledge and professional practice. Intellectual and creative excellence defines the Marietta experience. MARIETTA COLLEGE reaffirms the liberal arts as foundational in an education of the highest quality. Undergraduates in traditional majors and professional programs take a variety of general education courses in the primary areas of knowledge. This time-tested approach to learning stresses the development of skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, and effective communication, and upholds the value and breadth of our intellectual heritage.
MARIETTA COLLEGE is committed to offering programs of study that prepare undergraduates for challenging careers or admission to well-respected graduate and professional schools. It offers select graduate degrees consistent with the mission of the College and where it has the expertise and resources to meet or exceed baselines of excellence. Both graduate and undergraduate degree programs promote an active engagement with learning and opportunities to apply knowledge to practical experiences.
MARIETTA COLLEGE prepares students to thrive in a diverse society and in a world where social interaction, work, and exchange occur across geographical, cultural, and linguistic boundaries. They learn that economic growth, political stability, human adaptation, and sustainability all rely upon cooperative efforts among the nations and peoples of the world.
MARIETTA COLLEGE maintains its founders emphasis on education "in the various branches of useful knowledge," and we believe that the liberal arts remain the best preparation for any career. Through classroom instruction, the use of technology, independent research, and practical experiences in their chosen fields, as well as through a wide variety of opportunities to lead and serve in collaboration with others, students prepare for productive lives. "A contemporary liberal arts education" means preparation for the world of work and the ability to translate knowledge into effective action.
MARIETTA COLLEGE, primarily a residential college for its undergraduates, is dedicated to the development of the whole student and affirms the interdependence of life inside and outside of the classroom. In this dynamic community, students, faculty, and staff share a commitment to integrity and respect for others and develop our distinctive ethos. Believing that the work of all employees at the College contributes to the students" educational experience, we strive to provide the necessary tools and working environment and promote a commitment to service and self-direction among College employees. Graduates of the College comprise "the long blue line," an alumni community forged in friendships and common experiences.
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LeaderShip: President: Dr. William N. Ruud
Phone Number: 1 800 3317896
City: Ohio
Country: United States
Staff: 103


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