Texas Tech University

Founded: 1923
Address: 2500 Broadway, Lubbock, TX - Texas, United States
Phone: +1 806 7421480

Here you find out Texas Tech University complete information about fees, location, degree Texas Tech University offers, number, website, and much more. Texas Tech University is a leading university in Texas - United States.
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We have a wide range of academic programs for you to explore. Texas Tech is a place where great things are happening inside the classroom and out – where you can play as hard as you study. Whoever you want to become, from here, it"s possible.
Texas Tech University values high school students who push themselves, are intellectually curious and are interested in learning. We understand an...d appreciate that a greater number of students are engaged in rigorous, college-level coursework such as Honors, AP or IB courses. Because we believe that these experiences can elevate the high school experience, it is our policy to make academic rigor a factor in consideration for admission to Texas Tech. Students are expected to perform well in these and all other courses in high school in order to demonstrate their college readiness.
Texas Tech University was created by legislative action in 1923 and has the distinction of being the largest comprehensive higher education institution in the western two-thirds of the state of Texas. The university is the major institution of higher education in a region larger than 46 of the nation’s 50 states and is the only campus in Texas that is home to a major university, law school and medical school.
Originally named Texas Technological College, the college opened in 1925 with six buildings and an enrollment of 914. Graduate instruction did not begin until 1927 within the school of Liberal Arts. A “Division of Graduate Studies” was established in 1935 and eventually became known as the Graduate School in 1954.By action of the Texas State Legislature, Texas Technological College formally became Texas Tech University on September 1, 1969.
Student Involvement is dedicated to student success at Texas Tech University and beyond graduation. Our department fosters environments for like-minded individuals to connect and build community. We support all student organizations by providing resources and tools to help further their organizational mission and initiatives. Our staff engage students in active-learning through leadership development opportunities and experiences.
The Texas Tech Spirit Program is part of the Center for Campus Life office, a division of Undergraduate Education & Student Affairs.The Spirit Squads lead the fans in supporting the teams at football, basketball, and volleyball games.They serve as ambassadors not only at athletic events, but also at many different school functions. In addition, the Spirit Squads gladly participate in their community by volunteering at local schools, charity events, and youth organizations.Being a proud part of the Texas Tech Spirit Program is more than just a year-round commitment. It means dedication from each member to maintain the school spirit of the students, the alumni, and the fans. The Spirit Program members take pride in knowing that they are an essential part of such a wonderful tradition.
To strive for honor in the service and protection of the student body of Texas Tech University, through representing their interests by developing personal relationships. In addition, to work diligently to cultivate partnerships with the student body, administration, faculty, staff, and community, to maximize each student"s educational and personal growth. The Student Government Association also encourages student involvement and will provide opportunities to develop a lifetime relationship with Texas Tech University for each student and to keep Texas Tech University at the forefront of higher education.
Membership in a fraternity or sorority offers students a unique opportunity to have a balanced college life with a focus on academic excellence, brotherhood/sisterhood, leadership development, service, and responsible social interaction. Membership also offers students the opportunity to make lasting friendships with individuals with similar ideals and common purposes.
Texas Tech University"s Strategic Plan, A Foundation for the Next Century | A Pathway to 2025, focuses on three primary, comprehensive areas of focus as the university nears completion of its first century of service. This plan will provide a framework for the university moving forward and support our efforts to solidify Texas Tech"s position as a premier public research university.
The State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC) is a statewide annual giving campaign that Texas Tech, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center and the Texas Tech University System participate in each year. Overall, the Texas Tech University System raised more than $789,000 that helped to change many lives, shape the future and make a difference in our community.
With a career at Texas Tech University, you are limited only by your own ambition. We foster an environment of success, both for our students and our employees. When you work here, you become part of our campus community that"s dedicated to advancing each other personally and professionally.
Delve into our culture and learn the many benefits of working at Texas Tech by clicking the "Why Texas Tech" link above. See first-hand what it"s like working for this great university when you meet our team. Then find the position here that"s just waiting for you. Welcome to your new career at Texas Tech University. Texas Tech is a great place to work.
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LeaderShip: President: Dr. Lawrence Schovanec
Phone Number: +1 806 7421480
City: Texas
Country: United States
Website: http://www.ttu.edu


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