Where to Find N95 Mask in UAE?

Where to Find N95 Mask in UAE?

After the confirmation of Coronavirus cases in the UAE, panic and restlessness broke out after hearing the news. People in the UAE rushed to their nearest chemists and started buying the N95 respirator masks to protect themselves from the infectious disease. All pharmacies in the UAE have run out of these protective masks and are not able to ship in more due to the temporary ban of imports from China due to the spread of Coronavirus.

The design of the N95 respirator is very close to the face so that it can filter the particles in the air more effectively. Ordinary masks are more common in public, they are not tightly worn and do not provide much protection and should be changed daily.

Since the N95 respirator mask is out of stock in the UAE, there are other websites that are selling these masks, and at a slightly higher price. Websites like

  1. Amazon
  2. Johnson Trading
  3. Dhel Al Qamar
  4. Noon.com

These masks can be ordered, but the delivery may take up to two to three weeks. Making it a less adoptable and feasible option for customers.

Experts say that masks are not necessary, and people should pay attention to maintaining good hygiene habits, such as washing their hands regularly. Although the N95 respirator masks worn by doctors do provide a better level of protection against airborne viruses than those worn by many, doctors say that wearing these masks is not comfortable.

Because they are designed close to the face to filter small virus particles, they can make breathing more difficult if worn correctly.

The Singapore Times quoted the doctor as saying: “If you find that the N95 mask is easy to breathe and comfortable, it is useless to wear it incorrectly … you think you are protected but not protected.” Coronavirus is also among them Case-and wear a mask. Although the virus is indeed airborne and can be transmitted through a cough, doctors say the infection rarely causes a runny nose or sneezing.

Because coughs produce massive drops of water, they tend to fall directly to the surface instead of spreading like a sneeze, which is why washing your hands is more effective in preventing disease.

There is currently no vaccine against COVID 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent disease is to avoid exposure to the virus. However, as a reminder, the CDC always recommends daily precautions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, including:

  1. Avoid close contact with sick people.
  2. Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
  3. Stay home when you are sick.
  4.  Cover your cough or sneeze with a paper towel and throw it into the trash.
  5. Use regular household cleaners or rags to clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Follow the CDC’s recommendations on using masks. The CDC does not recommend that healthy people wear masks to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19. People showing COVID-19 symptoms should use a mask to help prevent the disease from spreading to others. The use of covers is also essential for health workers and those caring for someone in a closed environment (at home or in a medical facility).

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; after coughing, blowing your nose, and sneezing.
  2. If you don’t have soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. If your hands are dirty, always wash them with soap and water.

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