Munich Business School

Founded: 1991
Address: Elsenheimerstraße 61 - Munich, Germany
Phone: +49 89 5476780

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The Munich Business School wants to be the preferred business school in Germany for cosmopolitan , responsible and entrepreneurial personalities from all over the world in their lifelong pursuit of knowledge and personal development.
Munich Business School makes its contribution to the economy and society by creating an inspiring academic environment for personalities in Munich who, in th...eir quest for entrepreneurial success, treat their fellow human beings responsibly and responsibly for their natural resources.
With a holistic approach, we support people in applying their business knowledge competently in the understanding of their social role and to develop it throughout their lives . We offer students from all over the world an academic and professional perspective in Germany and beyond. Together with our international partner universities, we provide in-depth insights into the global economy and different cultures.
Together with our partners in the field of practice and science, we create a platform on which people with an entrepreneurial spirit and curiosity can meet, exchange and learn from each other in person .
In all our activities, we feel committed to practicality and high quality.
The innovative study concept of the Munich Business School is geared to the high demands of internationally active companies on their junior staff. The principle of the teaching program is the deliberate orientation towards the international work processes and contents in companies, which is produced by the close intertwining of practical study and practical phases in Germany and abroad. This allows students to put what they have learned into practice and thus achieve additional learning success. The location of Munich and the close contacts of the university with industry offer ideal conditions for this.
A large proportion of the lecturers who teach at MBS are self-employed as managers or entrepreneurs in the economy. This allows them to present the content of the course using current examples. The modern management theories and current economic debates are conveyed by them from the perspective of corporate practice.
Due to the good contacts to the economy, a basic principle can be implemented at the Munich Business School, which contributes significantly to the practical relevance of the study: Theses are usually real tasks from companies, which are also processed in most cases during an internship in the company concerned , The benefits of this connection are drawn from the companies whose representatives are involved in the supervision and evaluation of the final theses as well as the MBS students.
In addition to the final theses, real-life tasks from companies shape the day-to-day student life at MBS. Business plan developments, simulation games and concrete projects are among the defining elements of studying at the Munich Business School. Typically, a student team works over a period of one to two semesters to solve a real current problem. Supervised by experienced lecturers, the students train entrepreneurial thinking and acquire social and organizational skills that are essential for everyday professional life.
The tasks that corporate executives face are becoming increasingly complex. The successful management of future challenges requires tomorrow"s executives not only to have a high level of professional qualification, but also certain personality traits. The study program of the Munich Business School includes events that support the students in their personality development. This includes courses on presentation techniques, rhetoric, time and self management and negotiation techniques. In special seminars, the personal success potential of the participants is identified and specifically promoted. In addition to preoccupation with individual potentials and abilities, students embark on projects.
The project orientation of study at MBS has a significant influence on the development of the personality traits which managers must possess. Each student works on several tasks in different project groups over the duration of his studies. These teams are different in size and different in composition.
The mutual success in these projects can be influenced by the performance and commitment of each and every team member. That"s why the students in the projects do not just train skills like time management and self-management. The experiences gained from intensive cooperation promote qualities such as teamwork and conflict resolution, but also independence, discipline and helpfulness.
The personal and individual atmosphere allows studying, as it is not possible at many mass universities.
Studying at Munich Business School has nothing to do with crowded lecture theaters and confusing study groups. The students learn in groups of 20 to 30 participants. There are often fewer students in the classroom, in special courses or in projects.
The small group size has a clear impact on the character of the courses. The lecturers make the transfer of knowledge interactive. The students develop the topics in dialogue with the professors, who can respond well in the debates to special interests and previous knowledge.
The project orientation of the study also contributes to the personal atmosphere at the Munich Business School. The intensive cooperation in small groups requires and promotes the students personality traits that are required in everyday professional life.
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LeaderShip: Dean: Prof. Dr. Stefan Baldi
Phone Number: +49 89 5476780
City: Munich
Country: Germany



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