Mulawarman University

Address: Street Kuaro - Samarinda, Indonesia
Phone: +62 54 1741118

Here you find out Mulawarman University complete information about fees, location, degree Mulawarman University offers, number, website, and much more. Mulawarman University is a leading university in Samarinda - Indonesia.
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Every university anywhere in the world, has many factors that can support the development of the university to have a high accreditation. One of them is the availability of a lot of information on the education"s development of the diploma, undergraduate, and doctoral programs. Information on the campus also needs to be supported by a detailed data and necessary information about the important ...devices point in the development of a university in accordance with its vision and mission, such as the number of the lecturers, professors, laboratories, courses, units of service, publication of research, and the development of infrastructure.
Mulawarman University continues to improve itself to raise the accreditation of institutions that is supporting the accreditation of courses at this university. The various attempts have been made to accelerate it by giving a stimulus in the form of improvements in each course. Surely, there must be supported with the access of information, it is to indicate the progress of the university or scientific publications of the lecturers. We also encourage the use of e-journal and follow up some of the international cooperations.
The availability of information on the official website Unmul is expected to open a wide-ranging network to obtain the recognition of the existence of Unmul as one of the universities also attracts many people, especially in East Kalimantan. In addition, to get more cooperations with other colleges and institutions both in the home country and overseas as well.
The Vision of Mulawarman University ”Being an International Standard University by participating the nation development through the Education, Research, and Community Services based on the Natural Resources, in particular Humid Tropical Rain Forest and its environment” The mission of statement is derived from the vision that has been established for the purposes of the organization to be implemented and managed properly. Mission of Mulawarman University To produce qualified human resources, personality, and professional through the organization of higher education with international standards. To produce high quality and efficient research by promoting the principles of sustainability. To hold accountable management and independent university in accordance with the national standard.
Mulawarman University has a symbol in the form of a shield with a green base colour which symbolizes science. There is a tangle of rattan by the yellow colour to show the unity that exists among various tribes and ethnic groups in Indonesia, boat with black and white colour, and encicling the sides of the circle that brings a white-brown jar which states that the university has to develop the knowledge science. Jar in a rural area in East Kalimantan is a place to store the sacred things and bones of ancestors.
Jar is symbolized as a place to keep knowledges that have to be developed and submitted for other generations in Indonesia. The boat sails with three waves with white-lines under the boat. It is well known that the city of Samarinda where Mulawarman University established and it is located on the river"s bank of Mahakam and you know the message of yellow gear cicling the boat shows that it is in the modern technological era at the moment, yet it still keeps the local wisdom of Kalimantan.
The previous name of Mulawarman University was the Higher Education of Mulawarman and it established on 7 June 1962 in Samarinda, which based on the decree of East Kalimantan Governor No. 15/PPK/KDH/ 1962 and 27 September was confirmed as the anniversary of Mulawarman University. Then Unmul was officially confirmed since the Minister of Education and Science issuing a decree No. 130 on 28 September 1962 and it had been completed by the decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 65 on 23 April 1963. At the beginning of establishing, Mulawarman University has 4 faculties: Faculty of Public Administration and Commerce, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Forestry, and Faculty of Geology. Based on the decree of the President of Republic of Indonesia No. 66 on 7 September 1982, Mulawarman University got a new faculty in education.
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LeaderShip: Rector: Prof. Dr. H. Masjaya, M.Si
Phone Number: +62 54 1741118
City: Samarinda
Country: Indonesia


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