Parahyangan Catholic University

Founded: 1955
Address: Jalan Ciumbuleuit No.94 - Bandung, Indonesia
Phone: +62 22 2032655

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The Parahyangan Catholic University’s academic community has grown and developed in terms of facing new demands. Numerous individual and institutional innovations and achievements have been achieved. Graduates not only possess a high intellect but also a proper conscience. UNPAR’s academic community has always developed science through research and then utilized the result for the benefit o...f community service, in accordance with the UNPAR’s motto “Bakuning Hyang Mrih Guna Santyaya Bhakti” (Based on Divinity to Pursue Knowledge dedicated Society at large).
UNPAR’s achievements cannot be separated from the spirituality and values instilled in the heart of every individual member of UNPAR academic community. UNPAR’s Spirituality and Basic Values/Spiritualitas dan Nilai-Nilai Dasar UNPAR (SINDU) are rooted in the spirituality of UNPAR’s founding fathers. UNPAR’s vision; the spirit of love in Christian truth; and the holy tradition of wisdom of Sundanese society. Out of the four sources, three basic values can be formulated as follows:
  • A holistic human being (Humane/Humanum)
  • Love of Truth (Caritas in Veritate)
  • Living in Diversity (Bhineka Tunggal Ika)

Those three basic values are embodied in the seven ethical principles that are upeld by every individual in the UNPAR academic community. These are Transparency/openness, Transformative attitude, Honesty, referential, option for the poor, Common Good/Bonum Commune, Subsidiary, Non-profit oriented.
The vision of UNPAR is an aspiration of Parahyangan Catholic University’s academic community regarding the direction of UNPAR development. It is based on UNPAR’s aphorism “Bakuning Hyang Mrih Guna Santyaya Bhakti” which means “Based on the belief in God, pursuing knowledge in devotion to the community”. In addition, it is also the result of an analysis regarding UNPAR in the past, present, and in the future. Being an academic community based on humanity with the spirit of affection of the truth to develop local potential to international level in order to enhance human dignity and creation of integrity, based on UNPAR’s aphorism “Bakuning Hyang Mrih Guna Santyaya Bhakti”.
Building an academic community based on humanity with the spirit of affection for the truth by exploring, internalizing, and implementing the basic principles and spirituality of UNPAR. Developing the quality and capability of human resources in order to enhance the capacity of UNPAR’s institutions. Building an integrated and comprehensive system for the qualified and sustainable management of UNPAR. Conducting education and learning by combining academic superiority and the character building of students.Developing the science, technology, and the relevant art for the development of nations and the integrity of creation by exploring the local potential to international level.
The symbol of Parahyangan Catholic University is in the form of a flower that symbolizes the believe in the One and only supreme God, with different parts and meaning is yellow background symbolizes the Catholic Church whose values are made the foundation for University administration, five yellow flower leaves in the background symbolize the national and state philosophy, Pancasila (the five principles). Forty-five green feathers symbolize the year of the Republic of Indonesia’s independence, 1945. Circular triangle symbolizes the trinity, the center of faith of Catholicism; The motto within the triangle “Bakuning Hyang Mrih Guna Santyaya Bhakti” It means based on divinity searching for knowledge to devoted to the society. Eight bars symbolize the month of the Republic of Indonesia’s independence, August. Seventeen serrations symbolize the date of the Republic of Indonesia’s independence, the seventeenth; The red and white cross symbolizes the Bandung, and Bogor Dioceses and the order of the holy cross as the founders and builders.
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LeaderShip: Rector: Mangadar Situmorang,
Phone Number: +62 22 2032655
City: Bandung
Country: Indonesia



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