Arab Open Universety

Founded: 2002
Address: 11681 Prince Faisal Ibn Abdulrahman Hittin - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966 22566638

Here you find out Arab Open Universety complete information about fees, location, degree Arab Open Universety offers, number, website, and much more. Arab Open Universety is a leading university in Riyadh - Saudi Arabia.
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A pioneering Arab Open University dedicated to building the science and knowledge society. Develop and disseminate knowledge, and build expertise according to international quality standards without time or geographical barriers for the sake of contributing and preparing manpower for development needs, and to build science and knowledge society in the Arab countries. The Arab World is witnessin...g a rise in blended higher education venues and is constantly assessing their viability and impact on our development. The Arab Open University (AOU) take pride of being the pioneer of this ambitious project and stands ready to nurture the new concept in university education delivery at the highest standards.
Since its inception in 2002, AOU has strived to offer blended higher learning programs in strategic partnership with the Open University in the United Kingdom. The Board of Trusties has created AOU"s mandate on the premise of offering distinguished educational quality and assurance of equal learning opportunities for all eligible students.
AOU cherishes its social contribution, which we strive to achieve through a team spirit in our work environment and an attitude of being one family in serving our students. With that quality, we endeavor to facilitate the relevant affairs of the students and assist them in overcoming challenges they might face in the course of their studies.
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LeaderShip: President: Prof. Moudi Al-Humoud
Phone Number: +966 22566638
City: Riyadh
Country: Saudi Arabia


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