Private International Polytechnic School of Sfax

Address: The Technopole of Sfax, Tunis Road, km 10 El Ons City - Sfax, Tunisia
Phone: +216 74 860222

Here you find out Private International Polytechnic School of Sfax complete information about fees, location, degree Private International Polytechnic School of Sfax offers, number, website, and much more. Private International Polytechnic School of Sfax is a leading university in Sfax - Tunisia.
You can also find out jobs at Private International Polytechnic School of Sfax for students, teachers, and professors. We also update the database for an internship at Private International Polytechnic School of Sfax for students.
“Smart & Digital”, are the words that characterize our ESPIN engineering school. While exploring our training programs, you will easily determine that our vision is to provide an outstanding multipurpose training in the digital careers. It’s an intended training which goes beside the companies needs and oriented to our graduates employability. This training makes the pursuit of qualit...y and excellence as its main quest. To implant the culture of excellence in our students’ spirit is a priority, as well as that of innovation and entrepreneurship. Therefore, we are not only training future experts in digital jobs, but also future creative projects and start-ups. The digital incubator start-ups “ESPIN-Off” that we have implemented in collaboration with the technopark of Sfax reveals our commitment.
A vital importance is also devoted to the development of the “soft skills” that are the crucial supports of entrepreneurship and professional success nowadays. All the resources are set up in order to ensure the success of our students, such as the specialized courses in the newest technology, the talent of experience, the advanced pedagogy, the advanced workrooms and a wide network of trained partners from several famous international universities and companies working in various digital fields. Join us in ESPIN for preparing the digital future!
The main objective of ESPIN is to provide a scientific and a technical training with a high added value in the digital careers. A vital place is then given to the training, the international cooperation, a strong relationship with the firms and researching and innovation in order to enhance the pedagogy and to provide the new technologies modern education. This training goes along with a strong involvement in the industrial projects and trainings, which lead students to better recognize a specific technical field and to meet the requirements of the local and the international industries.
This training enables students to master knowledge, skills and approaches. It concerns various areas including the basic sciences, industrial sciences, information technologies and management sciences on behalf of the engineer. These lessons are intended to several training objectives, including:
  • The acquisition of a multidisciplinary and specialized scientific proficiency.
  • The development of a managerial and interpersonal skills.
  • The knowledge and instruction of the industrial practices.
  • The international cooperation and the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship

We offer a high-value training that includes new technology trends, enhanced by advanced workrooms.We have several collaborations with Tunisian and foreign universities offering double degree, interchange and international training.We provide experts along with the expectations of the professional needs, and we facilitate their integration into the environment through our network of partner companies and our own start-up incubator.
The modern digital world is an altering world. To ensure an adequate training, ESPIN gives a vital importance for being a modern and dynamic engineering school.We guarantee a high-valued education that is supported by teachers and professional experts in their fields that will ensure an adapted training to students.
We are based in the Technological Center of the city whichis equipped by an advanced material and human infrastructure in the TICs, and hosted other higher education institutions, research centers, a business incubator and several start- ups.
ESPIN aims to provide a useful training in the digital careers with the following objectives:
  • Ensure the careers of our graduates.
  • Ensure the adequacy of training with the professional needs.
  • Ensure an access to an international experience that leading to a double degree.

ESPIN is supported on some values that wishes to have so as to engender the success of the student as its center of its concerns within the outsider world and its diversity, while retaining its own engineering school identity based in the city of Sfax.
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LeaderShip: Director: Prof. Abdelhamid Ben Salah
Phone Number: +216 74 860222
City: Sfax
Country: Tunisia


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