Founded: 1992
Address: 6 Rue Marconi - Metz, France
Phone: +333 87764450

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The Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs des Travaux de la Construction in METZ is a private higher education institution. It was created in 1992 at the request of the building trade companies with the support of the Parisian engineering school ESTP (Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du Bâtiment et de l’Industrie) and the local and regional authorities. The School is accredited by the Commis...sion des Titres d’Ingénieurs (an independent body involved in the accreditation of higher education institutions in the field of engineering, among other missions) and recognized by the State. Our engineers capable of managing construction sites are trained in five years after the baccalauréat (equivalent to “A” Levels / high school diploma). 99 % of our former students do actually work in the building sector. They work in the major companies and their subsidiaries, in small and medium sized businesses, in France as well as abroad.
ESITC METZ trains engineers who are meant to become general professionals of the building sector. They are trained to be real project managers who are able to handle all aspects of a construction project (design, carrying out, delivery, operating).
Our engineers master the technical skills in accordance with standard practice. They are general managers, organizers, account managers and team leaders at the same time. Companies also want them to show both pragmatism and common sense A construction engineer needs to know how to take decisions and to adapt. He must also show creativity and innovative spirit. But beyond those skills required to be an engineer, the building sector needs young women and men who are effective teamworkers and show leadership qualities. They need young people with a lot of get-up-and-go.
The students union’s mission is to vamp up life around learning in and outside the school by offering students activities allowing them to make friends and build relationships between classmates over the years. Team spirit, solidarity and a quality working atmosphere are key values in our school and for our trade. In addition to organizing events, the students union’s mission is to make students feel comfortable and to consider the school as a place to live as well as one to learn in.
The students union offers regular football, rugby, handball, tennis, swimming, running, badminton and climbing training sessions. It is engaged in sports competitions between schools. It organizes the participation of our school in different sports competitions like “Ovalies de Rugby” (Rugby) in Beauvais, “course Haganis des 7 km” (running) and the Marathon of Metz or the half-marathon of Paris. It also organizes a ski-trip in the Alps.
ESITC Metz is a private higher education institution funded by tuition fees, apprenticeship taxes paid by trades and a State grant. For the current year 2015-2016, the tuition fees charged are € 6,210. Those fees don’t include accommodation and meals, commuting, health cover or membership and events of the students union which are optional.
The Engineering School of the work of the Construction METZ is a private higher education institution founded in 1992. It trains in five years after the Bac, Engineers able to direct construction sites . Today , 99% of former students actually work in construction. They operate in large groups and their subsidiaries , SMEs in France and abroad.
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Phone Number: +333 87764450
City: Metz
Country: France


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