Founded: 1882
Address: 10 Rue Vauquelin - Paris, France
Phone: +33 1 40 79 44 00

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Ever since it was founded, ESPCI ParisTech has been gaining in prestige and status. Evolving from a municipal school established to train industrial production managers, it has achieved the status of a major institute of higher education in science and engineering, which recruits students via the most selective competitive examination in France - an exam in common with École Polytechnique and,... since 2011, the Écoles Normales Supérieures (ENS schools).
This steady progress has been maintained by constant focus on scientific excellence in teaching and research alike.
The five Nobel Prize winners associated with the School - Pierre Curie, Marie Curie, Frédéric Joliot-Curie, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, and Georges Charpak - are emblematic of the exceptional ethos embodied in the permanent culture of excellence.
ESPCI ParisTech is also the only institute of higher education whose directors have all been inducted into the French Academy of Sciences (apart from Charles Lauth, the visionary chemist, industrialist and founder). From Paul Schützenberger to Jacques Prost, including Paul Langevin and Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, all the directors of ESPCI ParisTech have embodied the ideal of scientific excellence, which is the guiding principle in ensuring the institution’s world-class status.
The unfailing commitment to scientific excellence at ESPCI ParisTech explains the School’s international prestige and position in the global community. In 2010, for the third year running, the Shanghai Ranking" (Academic Ranking of World Universities, ARWU) placed ESPCI ParisTech in the lead among France’s institutions of science and engineering, demonstrating again that the ambition of scientific excellence is a viable, complementary alternative to size and scale in rivaling the world’s top universities.
Over 125 years after it was founded, ESPCI ParisTech preserves the same fundamental focus on its scientific reputation and excellence which have been accrued over time. The School’s renown has been instrumental in attracting leading teachers and researchers, who in turn further enhance the institution’s prestige
That ESPCI ParisTech scientists’ Nobel Prizes were awarded in both Physics and Chemistry is emblematic of the School’s transdisciplinary culture. What’s more, the variety of the connections between the Nobel laureates at the School (researcher, lecturer, graduate, director, and professor) evidences ESPCI ParisTech’s ability to attract the leading scientific innovators of their time, irrespective of their position.
ESPCI ParisTech was founded in 1882 by the Paris City Council; its legal status changed on January 1, 2006, and it now operates as an autonomous municipal administrative corporation (a Régie autonome, in French).
The Paris City Council decided on July 11 and 12, 2005, to change the legal status of ESPCI ParisTech (École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles) and EIVP (École des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris, City of Paris Engineering School), by granting both institutions legal personality and financial autonomy.
The purpose of the reform is to provide the two engineering schools, which were previously administered as departments of the city government, the necessary autonomy to fully carry out their mission, while strengthening their ties to the City of Paris, which continues to finance most of their activities.
ESPCI ParisTech is now administered by a Board of Directors with general powers, and which elects its Chairman from among the City Councillors on the Board. The Chairman has full powers for administration of the corporation (Régie), for staff appointments, budget execution, and legal action. The School has its own budget, the essential part of which is appropriated from the City’s funds, thus allowing it to implement educational and scientific policies in a flexible, reactive and independent manner.
In addition, the Historical Resource Center (CRH, Centre de Ressources Historiques) at ESPCI ParisTech, which operates under the AUSPICES of the Library, has the mission of preserving and showcasing the institution’s historical and scientific heritage.
To accomplish its twofold mission, the ESPCI ParisTech Library can call on the institution’s own resources and on its versatile team of professionals. It cooperates with the other libraries in the ParisTech network, university libraries, the libraries in the Montagne Sainte-Geneviève area, and the documentary research centers of major research institutions including CNRS.
The Library has been a member of the Couperin consortium since 2001.
As a champion for scientific excellence, ESPCI ParisTech is actively working to take science and the love of science beyond the labs and lecture halls. Inspiring an appetite for knowledge by fostering curiosity and interest in science and experimentation is increasingly vital today, in light of an obvious lack of interest in the western world for scientific studies and careers. A renewed interest in science today will contribute to tomorrow’s knowledge-based economy.
The Espace Pierre-Gilles de Gennes is a meeting place open to the community and dedicated to the connection between science and the Citizen. This is where the School takes initiatives to raise awareness about science, with démonstrations of experiments for young people from elementary school to university level. For instance, the School was the first to develop pioneering programs like ASTEP (supporting teachers through the participation of scientists in primary education) and the Hands-On program for which a number of students volunteer each year. The Espace Pierre-Gilles de Gennes also hosts temporary exhibitions (e.g., the Langevin exhibition in 2006) and permanent exhibitions for the general public.
The seven ESPCI ParisTech auditoriums are the venue for a variety of lectures, ranging from the most advanced scientific investigations to topics of interest to the layman. These include the Experimental Lectures series, which is unique in the world of science, combining lectures with lab-bench demonstrations; The "Litterasciences" series promote general scientific culture. The "Les Chantiers du Savoir" lecture series, organized by faculty members with assistance from the Student Union, tackles more challenging topics, through the involvement of major scientists of our time.
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LeaderShip: President: Marie-Christine LEMARDELEY
Phone Number: +33 1 40 79 44 00
City: Paris
Country: France



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