
Founded: 1842
Address: 2 place Pierre Viala - Occitanie, France
Phone: +33 4 99 61 22 00

Here you find out SupAgro complete information about fees, location, degree SupAgro offers, number, website, and much more. SupAgro is a leading university in Occitanie - France.
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Montpellier Sup Agro with more than 1600 students enrolled has an academic staff of 88 professors and 345 external lecturers and 450 other personnel. This National Institute of Further Education in Agricultural Science offers a full range of courses from Bachelor of Science Degree level vocational qualifications to PhD level, as well as a range of agricultural engineering training curricula....>
The school"s main missions concern initial and further education, research, international scientific and technical cooperation and sustainable development in Agriculture, Agri-Food Science, Environment and Rural Management The institute offers courses specifically dedicated to innovation in Mediterranean, tropical and sub-tropical issues
Instruction is given at Master of Science and Ph.D. level to train students to a high profile professional standard, educating future professional agricultural engineers who will participate significantly in designing and implementing a new agricultural revolution in order to.
Montpellier Sup Agro is located in the most dynamic town in France. It benefits from a prominent and worldwide scientific environment in agricultural sciences and is part of Agropolis International. This association brings together more than 2000 scientific researchers working in 112 research units. It is the leading pole of expertise or "cluster" of this kind in Europe.
The headquarters of the worldwide leader in agricultural sciences: The Consortium Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) is located nearby. The CGIAR with fifteen specialized research institutes set up in most developing countries employs 8500 researchers.
The National Institute of Higher Education in Agricultural Sciences, Montpellier, the National Center for Tropical and Sub-Tropical Environments (CNEARC), the Institute for Innovative Education In Experimental Agro-Environment in Florac and the National Institute of Higher Education in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Agri-Food Sciences (SIARC).
Montpellier SupAgro is continuing to follow a long tradition of international openness both in its academic training and research. Actively engaged in international research networks through "Agropolis International Cluster" Pole of Expertise and through membership to Agreenium. Montpellier SupAgro ensures a wide opening to global issues and attracts many foreign students who follow a Master of Science Degree course (about 30% of the students enrolled) or a Ph.D. Degree programme (over 50 % of the students enrolled).
To develop the awareness of all students enrolled at Montpellier SupAgro concerning international contexts and opportunities. An ambitious policy is in place, including the possibility to follow several foreign language ​​courses. Academic courses are being developed to become part of new foreign exchange and international mobility programmes. Add to this the international experience shared through our teachers, researchers and stakeholders. The result is to enable all students to master two or even three languages, to participate in internships or academic foreign exchange programmes with private partners or universities abroad to be prepared for finding employment on the international job market.
To attract high profile postgraduate students , PhD students, teachers and researchers from Europe, developed countries, emerging countries and countries of the Zone of Priority Aid in France. The success of this engagement can be attributed to the establishment of framework agreements with partner universities, the active search for scholarships and the development of French courses for non-French speakers.
To develop and sustain partnerships and academic networks within the academic training and research frameworks of Montpellier SupAgro. The building of long term and strong academic partnerships, will continue to enhance the quality of research and academic training as well as improve the attractiveness and reputation of the school.
To contribute to the development of agricultural training schemes. Montpellier SupAgro staff is involved in several reforms and improvement programs regarding technology or higher education in Agronomy for Africa , Asia, Latin America as well as in the periferal countries around Europe.
Montpellier SupAgro has one main library and two documentation centers open to the public and located on two sites: La Gaillarde in Montpellier and the Florac Campus in the Lozère region.
These libraries and documentation centers are part of Montpellier SupAgro or INRA (French Institute in Agricultural Research). The network of resources is supplemented by the laboratory and research unit libraries, giving access to documentation of specialized fields to students, academics & staff.
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LeaderShip: Director General: Anne-Lucie WACK
Phone Number: +33 4 99 61 22 00
City: Occitanie
Country: France


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